Thursday, January 26, 2012


Roses, Rose Gardens, Rose Gardening Tips, Rose Growing Advice, Planting a Rose Garden, Rose Descriptions, Where to Buy Roses, Where to see Rose Gardens, Rose Culture, Rose History, Rose Events, Rose Verses – they are all here in one place, at Rose Gardening World.  

Welcome to the World of Rose Gardening or Rose Gardening World.  We are here to educate you about The Rose – our National Floral Emblem and the state flower of several states. Roses have been around for millions of years which just prove that Roses are easy plants to grow contrary to popular belief. We are constantly updating our contents so visit Rose Gardening World often.  We want to help you grow beautiful roses and we welcome comments.  Take time and smell the roses and Happy Rose Gardening!

Do you go to the nursery store or look at those rose catalogs and said to yourself that I have to have that one rose or maybe two or three?  Then you go outside and see that your garden is already full.  What do you do?  When you run out of space in your yard, what do you do next?  Think of vertical rose gardening.  Vertical rose gardening let you utilize a minimum space with a maximum impact.  You grow plant vertically to maximize small garden area.  You accomplish this by using arbor, trellis, pergolas, floral arches, obelisks, fence, metal cages, bamboo poles, stakes, post, trees and even walls of your home.

An arbor with climbing roses says welcome to your garden and provides a frame of what is inside your garden.  A trellis is one of the old time structures for a climbing rose.  An arbor or a trellis does not have to be an expensive item.  If you are creative, you can make a whimsical object or something you make from twigs around the yard.  A patio umbrella that lost its canvas cover can be a good structure to train a rambler.  A white picket fence can serve as an anchor for a rambler.

Jeanne Lajoie is a good climber and can be trained to climb on a post and up to the roof of your garage.  Another good one is Gertrude Jekyll.  Since the branches are too weak and tend to flap, I have seen one where it is trained to climb a metal obelisk.  You can also put your minis in pots and place them in a metal shelving against a wall.  I have seen a metal panel that holds pots hangers.  You can use that too for minis.  You may even try putting the ground cover roses in hanging baskets.  They looked great with the stems and blooms cascading down.  Gourmet Popcorn is a good candidate for this one.  Red Cascade is another good rose for hanging basket.  Use your imagination and you can grow as many roses as your heart desires.
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