is the rose garden at the home of Thomas and Carol O'Neill, on Long
Island, that was dedicated as a memorial to those who died on
Sept. 11, 2001 - specifically those who perished at the offices of Sandler,
O'Neill & Partners, LLP on the 104
th floor of Two World Trade
Center. This beautiful garden is planted with David Austin Roses.
At one end of the garden, in between the two rose beds is a tablet with
this poem:
I give you this one thought to keep.
I am with you still, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the Diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight
on ripened grain.
I am the gentle
Autumn rain.
When you waken in
the mornings hush,
I am the swift,
uplifting rush
Of quiet bird in
circled flight.
I am the soft stars
that shine at night.
Do not think of me
as gone.
I am with you
still, in each new dawn.
have always given roses to show sympathy and share the grief of our loved
ones. In our darkest hours, the rose extends her beauty and provides
comfort and solace to us. Always there, always comforting, always
reassuring, always a symbol of life, liberty and freedom - our National Floral
Emblem. Let us continue to give roses
and plant roses in the spirit of freedom.
Roses are easy plants to grow contrary to
popular belief. Why do you think Roses have
been around for millions of years? All
they need are food, water and sunlight.
Just like you and me.
Here at Rose Gardening World, we’ll educate you
about the Rose - our National
Floral Emblem and the state flower of several states. Welcome to the World of Rose Gardening
or Rose Gardening World where Rose Gardening Tips, Rose Growing Advice, Planting a Rose Garden,
Rose Descriptions, Where to Buy Roses, Where to see Rose Gardens, Rose Culture,
Rose History, Rose Events, Rose Verses are all here in one place.
We are constantly updating
our contents so visit Rose Gardening World often. We want to help
you grow Beautiful Roses and we
welcome comments. Take time and smell the roses. Happy
Rose Gardening!
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