to the World of Rose Gardening or Rose Gardening World. Take time and smell the roses. Roses
have been around for millions of years which just prove that roses are not
difficult to grow. The Rose is also
our National Floral Emblem and the
state flower of several states. Here at Rose Gardening World, you’ll find rose
articles that will educate you about roses – its history, rose culture, rose profiles
and even rose verses all in one place.
So visit Rose Gardening World
So you want to grow beautiful roses but can you do it? The resounding answer is
YES YOU CAN grow beautiful roses!
If you follow the following Basic Rose Culture, you’ll be on your way to have beautiful roses in your garden:
- Buy only strong healthy plants. Buy your roses from reliable sources.
- Rose needs a minimum of 4 hours of sunlight, lots of drainage and away from tree roots.
- Before you start planting, do a soil test. The ideal pH for roses is 6.0 - 6.5.
- Dig a hole at least 18” deep and 18” in diameter. Mix soil 1/3 organic matter (peat moss) with 2/3 soil from the hole. Put a handful of Epsom salt, a banana peel and a handful of superphospate in the hole.
- Space rose bushes at least 3 ft apart for good air circulation for hybrid teas and floribundas. English roses and other shrub roses should be spaced at least 4 ft apart.
- Roses need about 1 to 1 ½” of water a week so water more often during the hot spell in the summer. If rain is lacking, water twice a week. Reduce watering in the fall but do not let your rose bushes enter winter under stressful condition.
- Mulch is important since it keeps out weeds, conserves moisture and protects the roots from fluctuations in temperature.
- Rose is a heavy feeder. Use plenty of organic fertilizer. Supplement with chemical fertilizer. Apply Bayer 2 in 1 fertilizer in early spring. Six weeks before the first fall frost, stop the fertilization program.
- Deadhead as soon as the bloom is finished. Pruning controls the size and shape and keeps the roses blooming all season long.
- Spray horticultural oil in late winter thru to late spring to keep blackspot in check.
- Keep the rose beds clean to discourage diseases and insects.
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