to the World of Rose Gardening or Rose Gardening World. Take time and smell the roses. Roses
have been around for millions of years which just prove that roses are not
difficult to grow. The Rose is also
our National Floral Emblem and the
state flower of several states. Here at Rose Gardening World, you’ll find rose
articles that will educate you about roses – its history, rose culture, rose profiles
and even rose verses all in one place.
So visit Rose Gardening World
lot of rose suppliers are in trouble due partly to the financial crisis we are
experiencing now which can be partly blamed for people diminishing interest in
gardening. When you are losing jobs or
your home due to foreclosure, gardening takes a back seat. Several rose suppliers closed doors recently
and it is not a good sign.
of May 26, 2011, Weeks’ Roses was obtained by Gardens Alive. Most people have not even heard of Gardens
Alive and yet it is one of the nation’s largest mail order conglomerates. I have been a customer of Gardens Alive for
years since they are a great source of environmentally friendly products. They have organic stuffs which you can’t get
anywhere. They own several business outlets. Keith Zary, formerly of Jackson & Perkins,
is already employed there in a plant research capacity. Weeks’ Roses now has 3 prominent hybridizers
in-house – Tom Carruth, Christian Bedard and Keith Zary.
From what I heard on the rose grapevine, Jackson and Perkins
did not plant any roses for 2012 season. So that is one big supplier that has limited supply
of roses to the gardeners and garden centers alike. So you ask yourself what to do. Help support the rose industry by buying roses
for your garden. Rose is one plant that blooms all season long
unlike most perennials that only bloom once. Plant roses and ask your friends to do the same. More importantly place your order early to get the best selections.
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