to the World of Rose Gardening or Rose Gardening World. Take time and smell the roses. Roses
have been around for millions of years which just prove that roses are not
difficult to grow. The Rose is also
our National Floral Emblem and the
state flower of several states. Here at Rose Gardening World, you’ll find rose
articles that will educate you about roses – its history, rose culture, rose profiles
and even rose verses all in one place.
So visit Rose Gardening World
Thomas is one of the best hybridized yellow roses by David
Austin and introduced in 1983. It was
named after the late Graham Thomas, one of great garden writers of our time who
wrote “The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book”, a rose book classic.
Thomas has a soft buttery yellow bloom which is hard to match in
any modern roses. Their cupped bloom
starts as pure yellow fading into lighter color as it opens. Blooms come both singly and in spray. The growth is straight, tall and vigorous
with pale green foliage. Graham Thomas can reach 6 to 8 ft. in
height and can be trained as a climber.
Thomas is very generous in bloom and quite a good specimen for
the exhibition table. Graham Thomas never fails me whenever I
exhibit it. Graham Thomas always wins the Best in Modern Shrub. It has a fresh Tea rose fragrance. I planted two plants of Graham Thomas on opposite ends of a parterre and they did quite
well. I also planted the blue clematis durandii next to it and they
make good companion plants. A stunning
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