to the World of Rose Gardening or Rose Gardening World. Take time and smell the roses. Roses
have been around for millions of years which just prove that roses are not
difficult to grow. The Rose is also
our National Floral Emblem and the
state flower of several states. Here at Rose Gardening World, you’ll find rose
articles that will educate you about roses – its history, rose culture, rose profiles
and even rose verses all in one place.
So visit Rose Gardening World
Can you grow roses without the harsh chemical? Yes, you can.
The Rose has received a bad reputation of being too difficult to grow and need lots of pampering. It's really a myth since the Rose has survived for millions of years. Roses can be found in old cemeteries where they survived without care. Yes, some roses are very susceptible to pests and diseases. Luckily, most breeders now are hybridizing disease resistant roses like Knock Out Roses, Earth-kind Roses and Oso Easy Roses. These roses are disease resistant and a couple of them are drought resistant as well.
William Radler revolutionized the rose world by introducing a rose that thrives in benign neglect. Some Knock Out roses will even grow in shady spots as long as they get enough water. These roses do not need spraying, will rebloom continuously without deadheading, and will grow vigorously all season long without blackspots.
Knock Out roses are the most popular landscape roses in the country now and are spreading around the world. There are gardens in Japan and as far away as Australia where Knock Out roses are being grown to beautify the landscape. In the market today are Knock Out series of Roses The Knock Out® Rose, The Double Knock Out® Rose, The Pink Knock Out® Rose, The Pink Double Knock Out® Rose, The Rainbow Knock Out® Rose, The Blushing Knock Out® Rose, and The Sunny Knock Out® Rose.
Earth-Kind Roses are a special designation given to select rose cultivars by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service for demonstrating superior pest tolerance, combined with outstanding landscape performance based on the results of extensive research and field trials. Some of the well known Earth-Kind Roses are The Fairy, Cecile Brunner, Belinda’s Dream, Carefree Beauty, and New Dawn.
Oso Easy Roses are fairly new and there are few suppliers that carry them in their stock. They are great landscape roses. Oso Easy Paprika, Oso Easy Cherry Pie, Oso Easy Frgrant Spreader, Oso Easy Honey Bun, Oso Easy Peachy Cream and Oso Easy Strawberry Crush. All are Proven Winners Certified.
For gardeners or non-gardeners alike, roses are the perfect plants to grow and get color in your landscape. Rose is a plant that will bloom continously from spring till almost Christmas as long as you cut the spent blooms. With Knock Out roses, you don't even have to do that. Azaleas and other shrubs like lilac and rhododendron only bloom once. You get your money's worth with roses. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and plant some roses. After all, Rose is still the Queen of Flowers.
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nice article..Here are few tips on flower gardening which might help you. Roses can be grown outdoors or indoors, in soil or hydroponically. They are grown as domestic plants and commercially. If you intend to grow roses outdoors, selecting the best-suited rose varieties for your local climate can be tricky. Most modern roses will not do well in hot climates, because they need cold weather and a period of winter dormancy. Roses that can somewhat tolerate hot climates include floribunda, Iceberg, Queen Elizabeth, Moonstone, Oklahoma, Sun Flare, Brandy, Crystalline, Intrigue, and Sunset Celebration. In general, however, the best choices for hot climates are the old garden roses, especially shrub roses, hybrid perpetuals, Chinas, and Teas. Don’t grow yellow roses in cold climates; they don’t adjust too well to the harsh winters. Even though many varieties of roses are able to withstand cold winters, gardeners still need to protect them to ensure survival and minimize stress on the plants.